The beauty of COLLABORATION carries into many other areas of our lives: education, medicine, business. As a person of FAITH in Jesus Christ, I'm reminded how Christ chose to live life in COLLABORATION with others. He was not a "Lone Ranger." He was deeply committed to a group of men who lived their lives in COLLABORATION.
I wonder.......... how much I live in COLLABORATION with others? Do I have a group of people who drive me to become more than I am on my own? Is my heart open to collaborate with others?
A few years ago I taught ART at a small Christian grade school, Highland Christian Academy. I had an idea for the 4th grade class to write and then illustrate their own original stories. These would be done in groups of 4 students each. The plan was so beautifully orchestrated in my mind, well behaved students, creating literary masterpieces with illustrations far beyond their perceived capabilities. If you've taught..... you know that I was living in a DREAM WORLD.
I presented the idea to the students. They looked at me with glazed eyes, you know, the "I have know idea what your talking about look." The first two classes were disastrous. I was breaking up arguments in each group. The students couldn't make any decision without arguing. I was getting worried that this was going to be the BOMB of all BOMBS (I'm past 35 years old, so BOMB means something BAD.).
But by the 3rd class I started to see some progress. They were delegating people into positions. Their stories were beginning to take shape. Photos of CLAYMATION scenes were beginning to look like something recognizable. The stories weren't what I had imagined, but...... COLLABORATION was beginning to take place.
Finally after weeks of work, the students were ready to present their books. We invited parents and friends. The tables were decorated and yummy treats were waiting. A rocking chair was placed at the front of the room for the designated readers.
The crowd was loud. The reading was awful. But..... there was a sense of accomplishment on the faces of each student. They knew how much work that had gone into to their original books.
COLLABORATION....... not always easy, but always worth the effort!!!!
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