I received from a neat mom
at Zach's grade school:
Hi M,
So good to hear from you. Yes we do have a closing date it's March 16th at both places. And then the moving service will arrive on the 17th to unload all or our stuff. It's hard to leave with so many amazing people around here, but God's made it so clear that Peoria is the right thing for now.
Keep shining His light at School!!!!
On His amazing journey,
LizM wrote:
Yes, Liz, I have to admit - when I met you and realized your deep spiritual roots, I was SO sad when you guys made the move.
Any advice you have for shining that light would be appreciated. You have a lot more time invested, and spiritual wisdom I'd love to learn from. I know now is crazy - but anything you have to offer - I'll take it!
Praying for you all,
Liz wrote:
It's never too busy/crazy to talk about one of my favorite subjects.
I think the main piece of advice I could give it is -
(we're not perfect or without fear, sharing our humanity draws us together)
I don't love because Jesus first loved me.
(Later commentary on this outrageous statement: When I love people I don't think to myself, "Jesus loved me, so I must love this person." "I love people as a response to a changed heart.)
(Later commentary on this outrageous statement: When I love people I don't think to myself, "Jesus loved me, so I must love this person." "I love people as a response to a changed heart.)
I don't love to fulfill an evangelical agenda.
I love because my heart desires to love.
There are so many formulas out there. I think they're all a load of CRAP.
Oops! Was that too transparent?
Jesus was so simple in His words:
Love Him, love others,
serve Him, serve others.
I used to feel so guilty that I wasn't the "present The 4 Spirtual Laws" type of person. It all seemed so pre-packaged, uncomfortable. There were the steps I needed to memorize...
then I had to find the right transition....... blah, blah, blah, blah.
By simply living your life in front of others - your light will shine.
First they see your actions.
Your ridiculous honesty in all situations will seem strange to them.
When you return to Target to pay for that marker
that didn't go throught the check-out
the light will flash.
When you take cookies to a new neighbor,
shovel your older neighbors stairs,
offer to pick up someone's kids, ........
Your compassion,
Your willing heart,
These are acts that shine.
I see my kind of life as normal, average. That's just the way I live.
But ... it's very different from the way most people live.
I also used to think that the only way to become a Christian would be to have the
"Damascus Road Experience".
"Damascus Road Experience".
But I see many people ease into faith.
Part of easing into faith is seeing consistent faith in action.
They see peace in your eyes
and hear kindness in your words.
When the waves of pain flow into their lives - you will be the one they turn to.
You will be the one who cares.
When you ask them if you can pray for their situation, they know you are real in your faith.
Not a stranger on their doorstep speaking Christianeeze.
You're a friend. (You're a friend to them and they're a friend to you.)
The beautiful thing is that you don't even try to change them.
You just love them.
You live Jesus in front of them .
An amazing thing begins to happen on this journey -
your faith strengthens .....because you see their miracle of spiritual change.
You love
..........but in the end you are loved back.
Slowly the light begins to shine in another life
Well, that's my sermon for today!!!! I hope this encourages you!
On His amazing journey,
Liz Barnes
Thanks for putting this out there, and so poetically. It really is much more simple than we make it.
Glad you guys are finally making the move. We need you guys here.
Amen and Amen!
Hi Liz,
Thanks for what you wrote below. I think it's why I gravitated towards you. I'm blessed to have you as a friend. I hope you don't mind that I forwarded it to another friend. She was asking for my advice. I gave her some but what you wrote articulated the very words I wanted to share with her.
Congratulations on your new home! I would have loved to be there to help with the packing and loading and unloading and so on and so on.
Take care.
Much love,
Hey, Girl!
I just had a chance to read your blog for the first time (be honored -it's the only Blog I've ever read...actually that was the first time I've ever typed blog...ha!).
I wanted to take a moment to recognize how amazing you are. I'm sorry I didn't take more time to get to know you better. I want you to know I'm thankful for all you've given to my children through your art and your arms around their shoulders in the hallways. Their lives will lose something they're not even conscious of & it makes me sad; but it warms my heart that there are children in the central part of this state that will receive your gifts & I'm joyful for them.
I bask in the thought of how far He has brought me on my journey (and you can be sure it's been a marathon already - yikes!) - but am always humbled when I reflect on what still lies ahead for me (Catholic confession keeps me in touch with that - ouch!).
But truly, I give thanks to the Lord for you, Liz. While we didn't spend much time together, I can honestly say every time - whether it was in passing, or we actually had an opportunity to complete some sentences & thoughts - I met your eyes, I was reminded of Jesus - you let Him shine through like very few people I've ever met do. Each time - usually I didn't act on it (again the journey ahead is so much longer than the one behind me) - you're words, actions, presence brought me out of my rushed, imperfect, priority juggling (dropping) life to make me at least think about how I could be serving Him better. You are an amazing woman!
Blessings on you & your family in your new home -
Peace & love,
(P.S. Ear in the Envelope ---- that is so great! A few months ago I caught the 1960's movie with Kirk Douglas that portrays Vangough's life. Did you ever see it? You'd enjoy it. Also, I love the way you sign-off "On His amazing journey" ---- I may adopt "He is so not done with me yet"....Love ya - c
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