Saturday, March 20, 2010

Do You Have an Unwritten Code?

Have you ever considered why you do the things you do?

I've discovered that I have an unwritten code that effects almost every action in my life.

I'm a Defender of Children.

I cannot tolerate anyone who
abuses, hurts, mistreats, misjudges, disrespects, manipulates,
lies to or devalues

Sometimes I feel like a Pied Piper of kids. They seem to enjoy being around me. Maybe they know that I truly want what's best for them and appreciate them.

I Do Not Play Games.... Emotional, Social, Financial.......

My yes is yes and my no is no.
I cannot force myself to live up to expectations
I do not believe.

My neighbor used to worry that people would take advantage of me, especially in business because I was too nice or too honest. It's a risk I'm wiling to take. It's the only way I know how to live.

I Cannot Tolerate Anyone Who Disrespects Another Person..
especially publicly.

I truly believe that if I tolerate disrespectful behavior, especially in public
that I am actually condoning the behavior.

This has gotten me into trouble a few times. There was the time at the ballet when I told a guy he needed to show a little respect after he yelled profanities at the women who was speaking. Or when I told another guy he needed to show a little respect when he was yelling annoying comments at a political candidate during a neighborhood meeting.

I Do Everything I Can to Follow Through on Commitments....

unless it violates my code

My Faith in Jesus Christ is All Consuming.

I see God's hand throughout each day.
I pray about the small things and the BIG things.

On St. Patrick's Day I parked in a parking deck and didn't have any cash. I prayed that God would help me find enough money before it was time to pay. God answered. A lady asked about my sunglasses, I had an extra pair, and she bought them from me for $2.00.
With the change in the car I had enough to pay the fee.

I would consider my faith to be more childlike than theological.

Key words to describe my relationship with Christ are


I Am Not Afraid to Confront Anyone Who Defies My Code.

I actually become physically sick to my stomach if I don't act.

I Love People.


Living out my unwritten code in no way makes me a perfect person.

Just ask my kids and husband.
I know there are many times when I drive them crazy.
But... I'm predictable and transparent.
I Love God and I Love People.

What's your unwritten code?

Take the time to write it down.

You might be surprised to find out what motivates your actions.

Liz :-)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

What is My Place Lord?

For me the new year breeds ideas and questions.......

1. Am I doing the right thing?

2. Should I GET more education?

3. Do I need to DO something thing that has more significance?

4. Should I find a way to MAKE more money?

The yearly review of my life can bring a mountain of questioning and dissatisfaction.

...After hours of researching college programs and job possibilities I start to come to my senses.

What does God want me to to be doing right now?

What matters to Him?

So many of the things that I think will bring significance are the VERY things that will pull me away from a deep and meaning relationship with the FATHER.

By filling every minute of my life with supposed significant activity, I slowly close the door for Him to speak into my life.

By filling every minute of my life with supposed significance I close the door to meaningful time with my husband and kids.

It becomes like VAN GOGH's flurry of art activity!!!!! He became significant in the art world, but..... his life on earth was shattered and confused.

Lord open my heart to finding my significance in YOU. Help me to be the WHOLE person you want me to be.

Protect me from running after empty busyness.

Help me to seek YOU first!!!!!