Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just Thinking.......

Blah, Blah, Blah

I need a space not to talk about jewelry!!!! 

 Art "yes," 

creativity "yes," 

God "yes." 

 The business of it all, nooooooooo.

The goal for my life  
..... not allow my PASSION to become my PRISON.

I need a nudge to finish my  series pieces....

Sleep (finished),  Awakening, Purified (both still waiting)

It is so easy to have creative ideas....
but to carry those ideas through to completion.....
that is the difficult part.  

But what a sad commentary...
 to be given the gift of creative thoughts 
...and to never realize those.  

It's so easy to become lulled 
by the everyday.  
The heart, the passion become dulled and sleepy.

Lord, wake my heart!!!!
